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Cryptocurrency Risk Statement
Cryptocurrency is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value, but it does not have legal tender status.
Cryptocurrencies are sometimes exchanged for U.S. dollars or other currencies around the world, but they are not generally backed or supported by any government or central bank. Their value is completely derived by market forces of supply and demand, and they are more volatile than traditional currencies. The value of cryptocurrency may be derived from the continued willingness of market participants to exchange fiat currency for cryptocurrency, which may result in the potential for permanent and total loss of value of a particular cryptocurrency should the market for that cryptocurrency disappear.
Cryptocurrency trading requires knowledge of cryptocurrency markets. In attempting to profit through cryptocurrency trading you must compete with traders worldwide. You should have appropriate knowledge and experience before engaging in substantial cryptocurrency trading. Any individual cryptocurrency may change or otherwise cease to operate as expected due to changes made to its underlying technology, changes made using its underlying technology, or changes resulting from an attack. These changes may include, without limitation, a "fork," a "rollback," an "airdrop," or a "bootstrap." Such changes may dilute
the value of an existing cryptocurrency position and/or distribute the value of an existing cryptocurrency position to another cryptocurrency. Any cryptocurrency may be cancelled, lost or double spent, or otherwise lose all or most of their value, due to forks, rollbacks, attacks, or failures to operate as intended.
Moreover, a decrease in the price of a single cryptocurrency may cause volatility in the entire blockchain asset industry and may affect other blockchain assets. For example, a security breach that affects holders of a particular cryptocurrency may negatively impact holders of other cryptocurrencies, or user confidence in any one cryptocurrency may affect the industry as a whole and may also cause the price of all cryptocurrencies and other blockchain assets to fluctuate